WhirlyGlobe  1.1
A 3D interactive globe toolkit for ios
WhirlyGlobePinchDelegate Class Reference

#import <PinchDelegate.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

(WhirlyGlobePinchDelegate *) + pinchDelegateForView:globeView:

Protected Attributes

float startZ
 If we're in the process of zooming in, where we started.

Detailed Description

WhirlyGlobe Pinch Gesture Delegate Responds to pinches on a UIView and manipulates the globe view accordingly.

Member Function Documentation

+ (WhirlyGlobePinchDelegate *) pinchDelegateForView: (UIView *)  view
globeView: (WhirlyGlobeView *)  globeView 

Create a pinch gesture and a delegate and wire them up to the given UIView Also need the view parameters in WhirlyGlobeView

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