WhirlyGlobe  1.1
A 3D interactive globe toolkit for ios
<WhirlyGlobeLayer> Protocol Reference

#import <DataLayer.h>

Inheritance diagram for <WhirlyGlobeLayer>:
GridLayer LabelLayer SphericalEarthLayer VectorLayer VectorLoader

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(void) - startWithThread:scene:

Detailed Description

A WhirlyGlobe Layer is just an objective C object that responds to a certain protocol. All you have to do is fill in the one routine. If you want to be called at regular intervals, you need to schedule yourself in the run loop provided with the thread. Layers will do things like overlay data on the globe or respond to user input. Layers do not have to be particularly fast. At least not as fast as they'd have to be in the main run loop.

Member Function Documentation

- (void) startWithThread: (WhirlyGlobeLayerThread *)  layerThread
scene: (WhirlyGlobe::GlobeScene *)  scene 

This is called after the layer thread kicks off Open your files and such here and then insert yourself in the run loop for further processing

Reimplemented in LabelLayer, VectorLayer, SphericalEarthLayer, and GridLayer.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: