WhirlyGlobe  1.1
A 3D interactive globe toolkit for ios
SphericalEarthLayer Class Reference

#import <SphericalEarthLayer.h>

Inheritance diagram for SphericalEarthLayer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - initWithTexGroup:
(void) - startWithThread:scene:
 Called in the layer thread.
(float) - smallestTesselation

Protected Attributes

unsigned int xDim
unsigned int yDim
unsigned int chunkX
unsigned int chunkY

Detailed Description

This is the earth modelled as a sphere. Yes, this probably needs to be an ellipse some day, but not yet. It's a data layer, so it starts off in the layer thread by creating the earth model itself. Once that's done, it doesn't do anything else.

Member Function Documentation

- (id) initWithTexGroup: (TextureGroup *)  texGroup

Create it like this. It needs a texture group to run. That provides the images and it will generate the geometry

- (float) smallestTesselation

Ask the earth layer what the smallest tesselation size for overlaid geometry should be. This is intended to avoid Z fighting

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: